Registration for language courses

Registration for language courses – Please fill out the registration form for the desired language course.

    Personal data



    First name (*):

    Surname (*):

    Phone number (*):

    E-Mail (*):



    Street/Number (*):

    House number: (*):

    Postcode (*):

    City (*):


    Course information

    Which language do you want to learn? (*) :

    Course type (*):

    Leve (*):

    Start of course (*):

    Duration of the course (*):

    Desired number of hours:



    Payment methods:


    Remarks, notes

    (*) I have taken note of and agree to the lGeneral Terms and Conditions (including the right of withdrawal). I have taken note of the information on data protection.

    (*) I hereby expressly agree that you may commence performance of the service before expiry of the withdrawal period and expressly request this. I am aware that my right of withdrawal is lost upon complete fulfillment of the contract. I am also aware that I am obliged to pay compensation for any partial services already provided (e.g. examination fees incurred, similar expenses or lessons already taken) if I withdraw from the contract before the service has been fully provided.